"When an activity raises
threats of harm to human health or the environment,
precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and
effect relationships are not fully established scientifically.
In this context the proponent of an activity, rather than the
public, should bear the burden of proof." - Wingspread
Statement of the Precautionary Principle. |
| |
There are many alternatives to ILO's. Below are just some of the
ways farming and agriculture can both diversify and stimulate economy
without jeopardizing our environment and way of life: |
Hog Farming:
Three of many
articles in the publication Greenbook '99 are referenced below. They
require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.
Published by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture's Energy and
Sustainable Agriculture Program (ESAP) the Greenbook '99 describes
results from 40 on-farm demonstration grant projects researching
sustainable and profitable methods of raising crops and livestock. Click
here to access the entire Greenbook publication and program.
Deep Straw Bedded Swine Finishing System Utilizing
Hoop Buildings
Mark and Nancy Moulton are farrow to finish hog producers
adjacent to a growing town. They wanted to minimize odours from their
operation to ensure that they remained 'good neighbours' and could
continue to produce pigs. With a water table just a few feet below the
surface, the Moultons also wanted to continue to protect their water
resources. They added a deep straw hoop house finishing building to
their range of production methods and have been monitoring its economic,
labour and environmental performance. Click here to read the article. http://www.mda.state.mn.us/ESAP/Greenbook1999/gb99moulton.pdf
Hoop Houses and Pastures for Mainstream Hog
Tiring of the conventional wisdom that a small, mixed farming
operation could not compete with large confinement livestock facilities,
the Van der Pols wanted to demonstrate that their low-input system could
be profitable and did not require excessive labour. Labour requirements
and production figures for farrowing in hoop houses and on pasture in
huts will be compared to figures from conventional confinement systems.
Click here to read the article.
Low Cost Sow Gestation in Hoop Structure
Free Range Pork Society:
We have received word that a group of folks who believe in producing
healthy pigs in a healthy environment are interested in forming the
Free-Range Pork Society.
For more details about this imaginative alternative to pig factories,
please contact:
Sandy or Barry Schorr,
Box 70, Moosomin, SK S0G 3N0
Telephone: (306) 435-3737
Fax: (306) 435-4324
Email: bulltrailranching@sasktel.net
Jean Hiron
RR #1, Rose Valley, SK S0E 1M0
Telephone/Fax: (306) 322-4640
Canadian farmers have been growing industrial hemp commercially since
1998. This followed several years of research trials in regions across
Canada. Hemp is strictly regulated under a licensing system administered
by Health Canada's Office of Controlled Substances. In 2002 1530 h. of
hemp were grown in Canada for seed, grain and fibre. There are
considerable value-added uses for hemp materials: estimates as to the
value of Canada's hemp sector are between $5 -20 million CDN and growing.
SHA networks with associations, businesses and governments from across the
country and abroad to help grow the industry.
The Canadian Organic Livestock Association (COLA) is a
producer-controlled, international marketing association whose main focus
is market development for certified organic Canadian meat products,
primarily beef.
Our primary goal is to ensure that consumers have
available, wholesome livestock products that have been produced and
processed in accordance with internationally recognized organic livestock
standards for production and ethical treatment.